
iPhone SE Review Design Lovers

iPhone SE Review Design Lovers

Now days every phone is Big if you want to buy a great flagship it will be big and you will be not able to use it with one hand that’s the truth.

Below 5-inch devices are not counting in the game because many people considers them very small and think that it is not in the trends,

iPhone SE is attempting to once again start that trend with the starting price of $399 for the 16GB Device,

It is targeting the very specific audience for those who do not want bigger phones and Apple sold 30 Million 4-inch iPhones in 2015 alone so Apple is doing good job that way people will get their choice of small phone with great specs.

They have kept the old iPhone 5 Design but inside they have upgraded it, lets check inside iPhone SE Review

It has the A9 chip its new engine,

Now you can Capture images with 12 megapixel camera.

This can now focus more and the pictures will be sharp and clear, 2GB of Ram its a Big Jump,

It looks same but when you use it feels very different.

But Size does matter for those coming from iPhone 6 or any bigger phone they will feel not good as far as size concerns but the features it has the power its great,

And for those coming from iPhone 5S or 4-inch Phone will be no problem at all as the size is same with a lot of power,

But i feel size is personal preference as i like to hold my phone with my hand so if the size is small i can hold it in one hand you can’t hold a phablet in your one hand,

So some people like to have small mobile or some people want big phone so they can take the both advantages of phone and tablet.

Coming from larger phone you will find that it is easy to manage with one hand but the screen you will find it very small first,

4-inch display size you will have to manage it as you will be disappointed,

if you use your phone for viewing content, social media etc.

People are not happy from Apple because of the iPhone SE size & design

I do not think the design is the matter as i like it a lot,

For me it is the best design and for those who want to get their first phone they will be making a great choice and from inside it is entirely new.

The Device is capable of handling any task that you run on it,

IPhone SE is a powerful device with improved battery.

At The End
iPhone SE is not exciting like the new iPhones, or not any new ideas but it does not mean it is not a good device,

Its blazing fast, excellent battery life and with a 12 megapixel camera these are the needs of the most of the consumers and it fits in.

4-inch in this size iPhone SE can beat any tough Phone if you don’t like small size than wait for the iPhone 7.

For Those who like the 4-inch Phones or can manage it is a good phone at affordable price.

Shah Zaib

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